Clamp Directions

Use the seam clamps to draw the lapping panel seams together, as shown. Check that the clamp jaws are correctly aligned to the seam before closing the clamp. Misaligned clamps can distort and damage the roof panel seams. Slowly close the clamp to allow the sealant to flow between the lapped seams. With the seam clamps installed, uniformly press down on the up-slope panel to close the panel lap and to assure adhesion to the end lap sealant. Do not remove the seam clamps until after the endlap cinch strap has been installed.

The most common coverage error is the spreading of the roof panels, especially at the panel ends. This can cause excess panel coverage along the eave, end laps and ridge. To correct excess roof panel coverage, use rib clamps to squeeze together the panel ribs as shown. The rib clamps can be adjusted and locked so that they will squeeze the panel ribs to provide a consistent cover- age width. If excessive coverage has accumulated over several panel runs, do not try to correct all of the error at one time. Corrected roof panel coverage must not be greater than 1/8” per panel. Correct accumulated coverage error by making the correction over several panel runs. Continue process until opposite ends of the structure are reached. End dams should be installed at the ridge along with the panel.